Scars Poem

Written about my self harm journey. Yes cutting has saved my life time and time again. You may be ashamed of my scars But they’re what kept me from going too far The blood that fell into my hands Made me a stronger woman The broken glass Yeah it threw me on my ass ButContinue reading “Scars Poem”

Privileged, Not Poor

*Pondering some things. Thought about my life and how I really didn’t see until now what I’ve always had.* Laying here again sharing a couch with you, how long has it been since you’ve actually had a bed to sleep in? Going and getting free food left and right, how long has it been sinceContinue reading “Privileged, Not Poor”

Race Against Ourselves

Inspirational thoughts coined while observing Race Against Myself by The Offspring Stop trying to run this race against yourself I’ve been running against myself for years I see us both running ourselves ragged we can stop this and if we can’t then we’ll run it together


Have you ever felt two emotions at the same time? But so powerfully you couldn’t handle either one? A few days ago, I did. I don’t even remember the trigger or triggers. I just remember needing to go walk saying “I’m gonna kill someone or myself I wanna do both”. I ended up walking sevenContinue reading “Suicidal-Homicidal”