Scars Poem

Written about my self harm journey. Yes cutting has saved my life time and time again.

You may be ashamed of my scars

But they’re what kept me from going too far

The blood that fell into my hands

Made me a stronger woman

The broken glass

Yeah it threw me on my ass

But it taught me strength

And put me on another wavelength

What I could be

And the things I could see

They were right in front of me

But first I needed to bleed

My mind needed to speak

It needed to just be seen

Because I was never believed

Published by Jillian51894

26 year old female, recently divorced, now in a healthy relationship. I love cats, I'm working towards breaking down the stigma towards mental illness, sex work, and I'm trying to see marijuana legalized across the board for everyone. I believe everyone should have a chance to at least try it if they so choose to, because it has saved my life, and I know it can save the lives of others. I'm an Assemblies of God/Non-Denominational Christian and I am a Conservative Republican while leaning Libertarian, but I strongly believe that everyone should have a good quality of life and deserves a chance, no matter your gender identity, religion, political views, or anything else.

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